How do you define procrastination? For many people procrastination is something that they associate and identify themselves with far too easily. The challenge is that once you identify with a behavior (positive and negative) it becomes part of who you are and your experiences and actions are filtered through this identity.
We can define procrastination as "task aversion" which is the irrational delay of an intended course of action. Translated from the original Latin meaning, procrastination quite literally means ‘in favor of tomorrow’. As human beings we are always pursuing ways of being better off – everything we do, we do with a positive intent. Although procrastination seems to contradict this fact, it actually illustrates a very important point. What we do, or fail to do, is not purely the result of our conscious choices, but often the result of factors we are not aware of consciously. When you procrastinate, at some level of your unconscious thinking, you believe that taking the action will leave you worse off than actually taking the action.
To change this negative tendency, you need to do two things. Firstly you must remove the association and ‘attachments’ that you might have with procrastination. Realize that you are NOT a procrastinator. Although you might procrastinate at times, you cannot afford to limit yourself by defining yourself by your behavior. Secondly, you must redefine procrastination in such a way that it will motivate and empower you instead of limiting you.
The way we define things for ourselves will determine the way we interact with it. If you see procrastination as a chronic problem that you were born with, then it is likely that you will struggle with it all your life. If you define procrastination as a bad habit that you need to deal with at some point in the future, then it will control you. If you see procrastination as something you cannot overcome then you will probably be right.
If you define procrastination as a negative tendency that you choose to put aside, then you will be empowered to take action despite procrastinating. Whether you CAN do something is rarely the result of your ability. It’s almost always a case of motivation. Motivation is nothing but an inner drive that compels you to action, and gaining leverage on yourself is a powerful way to find the necessary motivation.
There is a definition of procrastination that can do just that. I choose to define procrastination as the thief of time. When you think about it you will realize just how true it is because procrastination is what keeps you immobilized and stuck in inaction. Time is your most valuable and your most precious asset. People go to extreme measures to protect their money and their possessions, but do very little to ‘protect’ their time – the one thing that money can never buy. Learning to value your time, is a powerful strategy for overcoming procrastination and getting the most out of your life. When you value something you will look after it and protect it.
Your time is limited. Have you ever wondered how many days you have in your lifetime? At first blush you might guess that it is a hundred thousand or even a million. In fact, if you grow to be 70 years old your entire lifetime will only have 25 550 days. If you are 30 now, then you’ve only got another 260 000 hours left – and a third of this will be spent sleeping.
You have just as much time as Bill Gates, Mother Theresa, Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey or any other person on this planet. The only difference is in the way you use your time. Don’t allow procrastination to steal your most precious asset.
Instead, see procrastination as a call to action. It is likely that what you are procrastinating about is something that you ‘must’ do. See, what we don’t do and what we don’t face controls us. But when you face it and you do it, you liberate yourself and it no longer has any control over you. If you have this sense of urgency and awareness that your time is precious, then you won’t allow the thief of time to hold you down. What you get out of yourself does not rely on your ability. It relies on how much of your resources you can get access to and this is almost exclusively a psychological exercise. By changing how you define procrastination for yourself you can start to change this internal conversation and empower yourself to take action and make things happen.
Deon Du Plessis from Overcoming-Procrastination.Com is a former chronic procrastinator who never managed to get anything done. He now teaches some of the most powerful strategies for overcoming procrastination in A Course Of Action, a FREE online course. You can Enroll HereArticle Source:
Friday, October 5, 2007
How To Define Procrastination to Get the Most of Out of Yourself?
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Magic Articles
9:59 AM
Labels: goal setting, motivation, self improvement articles, success
Are You Unconsciously Limiting Your Wealth Potensial?
Unlimited financial abundance is your birthright!!
Sounds great doesn't it, but do you really believe it? It's not surprising if you don't.
Many of us don't believe we have access to unlimited financial abundance because we were raised in a culture that places severe limitations on our creative abilities to attract money. These limitations begin during early childhood when our basic beliefs about everything are being formed.
Think back to when you were a child. What did you consistently hear and experience regarding money?
Did you hear that "money doesn't grow on trees" or "money is the root of all evil"?
Did people in your household fight about not having enough money?
Did your dad grow surly and silent when it was time to pay the bills?
Was your mom afraid to ask your dad for more money if an unexpected financial emergency came up?
Were vacations eagerly anticipated or were they actually stressful because the family was going on vacation even if they "couldn't afford it"?
Whatever the situation, you consciously and unconsciously absorbed those beliefs about money and wealth. This became your belief system or paradigm.
Many of us are completely unaware of the unconscious belief systems that are governing our attitudes, behaviors, expectations and comfort level regarding how much money we think we deserve and actually attract.
Do this little exercise with me.
Imagine for a moment that a complete stranger walks up to you on the street and hands you a cashier's check for one million dollars. This stranger tells you that the money is a special gift and is unconditionally yours-no strings attached.
How would you instantly react?
1. Would you nervously look around for the hidden cameras?
2. Would you absolutely refuse the gift and even feel some resentment towards the stranger for putting you in such a predicament?
3. Would you accept the gift but then feel guilty and make immediate plans on how you were going to give the money away?
4. Would you graciously accept the money with heart-felt thanks and happily go to your bank cash the check and enjoy the money?
Your initial "gut reaction" to the above scenario allows some of your unconscious core beliefs about money bubble up to the surface.
If you picked one of the first 3 answers you definitely have some inherent beliefs that are severely limiting your birthright of prosperity. But the good new is-they are only beliefs. Keep in mind that beliefs are not truth. They are just a perception and an acceptance of the truth. What's great about beliefs is that you can change them and choose ones that support you and are in alignment with unlimited wealth potential
If you picked number four, congratulations!!! You're well on your way to unlimited financial abundance!!!
About The Author Becky Kimes is a professional coach, speaker and author who specializes in helping women break through the invisible barriers keeping them from manifesting their dreams. She works with individuals, and conducts live workshops and tele-seminars. More information can be found at
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Magic Articles
9:49 AM
Labels: free articles, goal setting, motivation, self improvement articles, success
Your Imagination is Your Greatest Asset
You and I have talked about the importance and value of having a true purpose in life, and how best to remain dedicated to realising it. We've talked about the problems you can face and the challenges you may have to overcome in reaching your goal.
Always remember that you have a gift you can use to uncover the deeper levels of your purpose and your vision, which can sustain you through times when it seems impossible and you falter a little. It's a gift that all of us have and we use it every day as children, but as we get older so many of us put it away and forget the joy it can bring to our lives.
It's your imagination.
Imagination is what drives us to dream dreams and follow our goals. It colours the landscape of our day to day existence, and informs us of our passions and our creativity.
It is also fundamental in helping you open your heart and live in the most profound and loving of ways, because without imagination you cannot feel empathy or sorrow for another person's circumstances, or joy in their triumphs and achievements. Being able to put yourself in someone else's situation means that you can live in a totally non-judgmental way and accept all people for who they are.
What's even more amazing is that you no longer have to ask yourself why you should pursue your chosen path - you can visualise the journey and put yourself in the position of having completed it. Your imagination can actually help you achieve what you think is impossible.
Does that sound impossible?
Here’s what I mean. Remember a time when you tried over and over again to achieve something but never quite hit the mark - maybe it was exams in school or perhaps a driving test. The more you kept trying, the more difficult it appeared to be, until you started to tell yourself that you were no good and you may as well give it up as a bad job.
You know that's not true, right? You know you can do it - but it's just not happening. And yet, by using that wonderful gift of imagination, you can visualise yourself achieving whatever it is you want to achieve. Visualising it often reminds you that you're not a failure; that you can do it, because you've visualised yourself doing it.
You are in control of your own achievements and your own depth of commitment to others. All you have to do is use that amazing asset of yours, and rediscover the childlike joy in a world of potential and endless possibilities.
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Magic Articles
9:44 AM
Labels: free articles, motivation articles, self improvement articles